stud news
Loveable, huggable miniature donkeys
Every young animal is delightful, but the miniature donkey is perhaps one of the most captivating.
Winter 2015
All our babies have now left us and are with their new owners. Strange, no foals to cuddle and enjoy for the time being.
Our next lot of foals will be arriving from early November onwards. We are hopng for 8 foals this season.
Expected arrivals:
Pizzaz and Treasure both to Spartacus, early November.
Show Baby to Sparky, December.
Miss Maisie to Sparky, January 2016.
Sweet Carlotta to Spartacus, January 2016
Piazzolla and Billie Jo, to Sparky, due February
Lillian to Spartacus, due February
As responsible breeders we geld most of our boys and will only sell the absolute best as a stud jack who will be able to enhance the breed.
Have you thought of where you are going
when this earthly life has passed?
Will the seed that you are sowing
bring a harvest that will last?
Our aim is to breed healthy, quality little donkeys according to the official National Miniature Donkey Standard. We are concerned about the trend of some overseas breeders to breed smaller and smaller donkeys [micro minis]. We believe this is detrimental to the breed and not in its best interest. Therefore, we aim to breed donkeys that will mature 30" and above.
We only breed a few foals a year. Its "Quality" rather than "Quantity" we are after and this way we are able to provide each foal with lots of individual care and attention.
If interested in purchasing a foal, let us know what you are looking for and we will put you on our notification list.
The birth of a foal is very exciting. We very closely monitor our jennies when they are close to foaling. A foaling alarm is worn by the jenny and our foaling stables have a video monitor so we can frequently check the jenny or foal. Our foals are special and all are handled daily from the moment they are born. So they stay very friendly. Worming is done every six weeks and they are vaccinated against tetanus. We wean them around six months of age.
Most of our jack foals will be gelded just before weaning as we strongly believe that only the very best should be used for breeding. All our AMMD foals are registered in the Miniature Registry [ Section A] of the Donkey & Mule Soc. of NZ which is only for donkeys with American ancestry.
Buyer beware!
A donkey that has USA Registration papers does not necesarily have 100% American Miniature Mediterranean Bloodlines. A pure AMMDonkey able to be registered in Section A of the NZ Miniature Donkey Register must have imported American Miniature Mediterranean bloodlines on the side of the Sire and the Dam. To avoid confusion please check the rules of the Miniature Registry of the Donkey & Mule Society of NZ Inc. on our links.
All our donkeys have 100% American Miniature Mediterranean Bloodlines.
We offer pre-purchase advice and an on-going service and support for any problems or questions that might arise.